Gilles Denizot
Gilles Denizot

I used to teach opera singing to a bunch of amazing Indian & Bollywood artists. I learned from them daily, it meant the world to me.

Five years later, in 2016, India refused to renew my work visa, banned & blacklisted me (because that’s what you do when you’re the self-proclaimed ‘largest democracy in the world’…)

So, I set out on a journey de ci, de là (here & there, in French). Then, I began writing stories that nobody reads…

I now live in Barcelona. Any questions?

Histoires en français / Historias en español / Històries en català >>

Medium member since January 2025
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Gilles Denizot

Gilles Denizot


When India refused to renew my work visa, I set out on a journey here & there. Then, I began writing stories that nobody reads…